Where to? article copyright 2024, Stanton Stevens 7/25/24 Title: Where are we going? Authors, screenwriters and other creatives find it much easier to imagine dystopias, and people behaving badly, than good people in a good world. Which makes sense - we have lots of experience with the worst possibilities of humanity, especially when reincarnation is taken into account. Our imaginations falter when considering improving humanity, and people working together on a better world. But that is where our imagination can help us. It is hard to know what to hope for unless the creatives have tried to forge ahead and present inspiring visions. What we create for ourselves starts with imagination. I have participated in self-improvement groups for years, and too often there is a feeling we will just be working on our problems forever. It may be true that in one lifetime we can't expect too much change. We might gain some insight and resolve some personality problems. But there is a destination to the journey of self-improvement, and it's not wealth or happiness. The idea that we must muddle along as humans forever is false, like the idea of eternal hell that Christianity proposes. There have been great people, people to admire. While their human nature is well (maybe too well) documented, they were able to focus on goals greater than personal and made superhuman achievements. I'm thinking of Abraham Lincoln and Martin Luther King as examples. Of course, they were both rejected violently by a world caught up in lies and hatred, which found its expression through individual assassins. And they have been slandered and attacked ever since. It is all too familiar, an example of general unreadiness for truly good and great people. The imperfections in an individual are finite, not infinite. After lifetimes of cleaning up our mistaken patterns of thought and emotion, perfecting virtues of character, and unselfish thought and action, we become the best versions of ourselves. We advance rapidly at this point, able to use the help offered by more evolved beings. We can then be trusted with the power that ruins those who have not cleaned out the egoism of the average person. There are such altruistic people in the world. One of the virtues they have honed is humility. Another is something called "occult reticence". This means that they don't speak of their status, don't share what people are not yet ready for. We would not know their status if we met them, and they would not tell us. They are well aware of how the great ones of history have been treated, and don't seek attention. They also know how much harm can be done by giving people information prematurely. They have abilities and a kind of freedom that we should be trying to imagine. They work with powerful minds that can experience truth directly, undeceived by the world. To them the past is an open book which reveals the threads of causality behind the events of the day and in people's lives. They develop senses beyond what science is aware of, including the ability to see, with objective sense, the etheric "energy" bodies of people and the emotional bodies. The departed of this world are visible to them, since they live on in their emotional bodies. They will soon complete the long journey through the human kingdom and be welcomed to the next kingdom of nature. In that kingdom, they will be the "freshman class" among the population of veritable gods, no longer splendid representatives of what is possible in the human kingdom. Yet they are free of all human limitations. This is the destiny of all humans! Our decisions and effort affect the timing, which can vary by millions of years. It is worth the effort to get there sooner.